The great thing about the #30DayMapChallenge is that you can choose how many challenges to get involved in. Some people go all out and manage every day. I tend to be more selective. Day 09 - Space seemed like a great opportunity to dig out an old globe model and look outwards from planet earth. Researching possibilities, I stumbled across the amazing Skyfield that is able to predict the positions of Earth satellites.
Behind the Scenes
Skyfield from
Satellite positions from
Working thorugh the code snippets on the Skyfield pages, I ended up with this code to get the ISS positions:
from skyfield.api import load, wgs84
import math
stations_url = ''
#stations_url = ''
#stations_url = ''
satellites = load.tle_file(stations_url)
print('Loaded', len(satellites), 'satellites')
#for sat in satellites:
# print(sat.epoch.utc_jpl())
#sat = satellites[0]
ts = load.timescale()
for hour in range(0, 25, 1):
for min in range(0, 61, 1):
t = ts.utc(2022, 11, 9, hour, min, 0)
# print("lat, lon, height")
# for sat in satellites:
sat = satellites[0]
geocentric =
# print(
lat, lon = wgs84.latlon_of(geocentric)
height = wgs84.height_of(geocentric)
height_km =
if (math.isnan(lat.degrees) == False and math.isnan(lon.degrees) == False and math.isnan(height_km) == False):
This gives a set of points that we can load into a python list
points = [
many entries excluded
In Blender, we can use this points list to create a point cloud
def point_cloud(ob_name, coords, edges=[], faces=[]):
"""Create point cloud object based on given coordinates and name.
Keyword arguments:
ob_name -- new object name
coords -- float triplets eg: [(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (-1.0, -1.0, 0.0)]
# Create new mesh and a new object
me = + "Mesh")
ob =, me)
# Make a mesh from a list of vertices/edges/faces
me.from_pydata(coords, edges, faces)
# Display name and update the mesh
ob.show_name = True
return ob
Stringing everything together we end up with a short function to create the ISS trails and positions.
getXYZfromLatLon() was covered in Globe Flights and addCurve() will be covered in my next post...
def showPoints():
R = 6371 / 1000
coords = []
for p in points:
newPoint = getXYZfromLatLon(R+p[2]/1000, p[0], p[1])
pc = point_cloud('satellites', coords)